
Sirena Dufault loves to share the wild and remote places she explores while hiking, backpacking, rafting and canyoneering through her photography to inspire others to get outdoors. Her photos have been featured in Backpacker Magazine: Long Trails and “Your Official Guide to the Arizona National Scenic Trail as well as numerous publications, online articles and the Arizona Highways blog.

Visit the Trails Inspire or @desertsirena Instagram for more of her work.

Prints available in a variety of sizes, contact to learn more or for freelance work. Online store coming soon!

A perfect day for a hike- 7 miles and 4500 ft. down to Phantom Ranch
Arizona National Scenic Trail: South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon
California Condor
California Condors in Marble Canyon
To the Arizona Trail
Milky Way at the Arizona Trail Portal, High Jinks Ranch
Looking back at Nankoweap Butte
Butte Fault Route, Grand Canyon